Upcoming Events

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Directions for Booking a Room


Welcome to the Booking page for the five Study Rooms in the JWU-Charlotte Library

Note that you need to book a room at least 3 hours in advance of use. Follow these steps to book a room.

1. Click on the link Library Study Rooms under the Room Bookings on the right hand side of this page

2. Click on the calendar to the left to pick your date.

3. Click on the available (green) blocks in the Scheduler to schedule a room, if the blocks are blue the room is already booked for that time slot - fill out the form and you will receive e-mail confirmation for your booking - click the link in the e-mail and you will be booked- if you have any problems, call 980-598-1611 during library hours

Schedule a Room Reservation or Librarian Appointment

Use this online tool to book 1 of the 5 study rooms in the back of the Library.

No Rooms available!

Use these links to request an appointment with a specific librarian. Simply click on the person's name and an appointment widget will pop up with directions for scheduling

NOTE- If the widget does not display correctly, click on the "View All Staff' link and follow the directions